Pilot WASH in Schools – The overall aim of the project is to pilot the WASH in schools approach in two schools in Lebanon. A WASH survey done on a sample of Lebanese public schools in 2008 showed that these schools mainly rely on piped networks (67%) and groundwater (18%) as drinking water sources, the remaining options being tanks (water trucking), bottled water and surface water. The water supply through municipal networks is regularly interrupted, which implies that the schools might have used alternative water sources and that the risk of contamination of piped water is high (low pressure, non-continuous circulation). Moreover, ground water contamination has to be considered; either through unsafe septic tanks (cesspits) or due to infiltration of saltwater in the aquifers. Water quality in schools is normally monitored though with long intervals and general maintenance of the water supply equipment remains an important issue. Different methods are used for treatment of drinking water on school premises, the main one being filtration and chlorination, reaching about 25% of the institutions. Soap is available in less than 50% of the schools, which represents another important risk for diarrheal disease contamination. Globally the ratio of toilets per students is of 9 to 100, but data on effective access, functionality and user-friendliness is lacking. Lebanon
This project aims to increased awareness among school staff and students on ecofriendly practices that are applicable to their schools. Therefore, by the end of the project the targeted School staff and students will havehad increased their knowledge on Eco-friendly practices and have had access to WASH hardware within their premises
Lebanese Red Cross Society and Netherlands Red Cross Society