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Well prepared Red Cross/Red Crescent societies for disaster response: Zambia

Land: Zambia
Vooruitgang: Implementation
Budget: € 1330500
Looptijd: 2016-04-30 - 2021-10-30


This project supports the Zambia Red Cross Society to enhance their emergency response capacity in selected regions. The incidence of droughts, floods and epidemics as well as the long distances and limited infrastructure make the Zambia context suitable for demonstrating ‘innovative’ elements of RPII such as Cash Transfer Programming (CTP), Information Management (IM) tools and Forecast Based Financing (FbF). It has some experience with FbF and big interest in developing it further. ZRCS is the only organization with a role in the national Disaster Management act and working in all levels of the Zambian society. It has little to no support from other Partner National Societies and donors. NLRCS is the only PNS with a presence in-country. HQ and North Western Province (3 districts)


RP-II aims at 1. Functioning contingency plans for selected areas. 2. Sufficient DM staff and volunteers are trained and available for response. 3. Adequate response infrastructure. 4. Strong network to provide and improve its emergency response. 5. Adopted innovative response mechanisms (eg. FbF, CTP). 6. built and maintained a well-functioning system (support & information management) to enable core RP activities.


Especially ZRCS staff and volunteers are trained to assist disaster prone communities in Zambia.

Type ramp: Drought Epidemic Flood Multisector aid for basic social services Preparedness
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross
Uitvoerende partners: Zambia Red Cross Society

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