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Winterisation Syrian refugees Lebanon 2014-2015

Land: Lebanon
Vooruitgang: Closed
Budget: € 132179
Looptijd: 2014-12-31 - 2015-08-29


This project is an contribution to Libanese Red Cross Society to implement winter situation activities in Lebanon, to provide urgent assistance to Syrian refugees, and other affected. The LRCS is mandated in Libanon to provide EMS services throughout the country and started in 2013 with other support in response of the influx of Syrian refugees. This winter has seen the worst weather conditions since some 15 years, with temperatures dropping below zero and heavy winds. The refugees from Syria, many of whom are living in makeshift shelter insufficiently protected against harsh conditions, are seriously affected. Refugee camps in Libanon.


The assistence is based on a rapid assessment. With these funding, LRCS will procure fuel vouchers, relief items and shelter repair materials.


Syrian war affected people.

Type ramp: Armed conflict Material relief assistance and services Response
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross
Uitvoerende partners: Lebanese Red Cross

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