Contribute to the reduction of mortality and morbidity linked to cholera disease outbreak within the affected communities of Lusaka province, through the provision of health services, clean and safe water supply, sanitation and hygiene activities. The Zambian government declared the current cholera outbreak on 6th October 2017 after laboratory confirmation of two initial cases that presented to Chipata Level One Hospital on 4th October 2017. This year the outbreak happened just before the rainy season which is unusual, but it followed a period of inadequate water supply during the summer period. With inadequate water supply more people resorted to the use of unsafe water supplies. This was likely a direct cause of the recent outbreak. The outbreak has since spread to other parts of Lusaka namely; Garden Chilulu, Kabanana, Ngombe, Chipata, Kanyama, Chibolya, Bauleni, Matero, Mazyopa, John Laing, Makeni villa, Chazanga, Jack, Mandevu, Kuomboka, Zingalume, Twikatane, Chunga, and Zanimuwone with Chipata being the most affected. By 21st October 2017, 50% of the cases reported were children aged between 0 and 24 months.
Currently, new cases are being recorded on a daily basis in the affected areas and in view of the coming rainy season, this poses a threat as the situation might deteriorate as in the previous years. There is therefore a need for intensified efforts to control the spread of the disease to neighbouring locations and to reduce the incidences of occurrence in the affected areas. Bearing this in mind, the ZRCS is seeking support from the DREF to intensify public awareness activities and to support safer access to water to stop further contamination and spread of the disease.
Summary of Lusaka province
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene;
Medical and First Aid
70,000 people (with 200,000 indirect beneficiaries)