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3FM Serious Request 2012: Reducing infant mortality in conflict areas

Vooruitgang: Closed
Budget: € 1000000
Looptijd: 2012-12-31 - 2015-12-30


Reduce infant mortality in conflict areas in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, Sudan and Iraq. When a conflict strikes, people are often cut of from basic health care. Besides the care needed directly related to the conflict, everyday life also continues and the civilian population is just as much in need of health care. The International Committee of the Red Cross provides access to crucial health care in conflict areas. The hardest hit are often the more vulnerable in the community, among which pregnant women and children. The funds have mainly been used for projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, Sudan and Iraq. Furthermore, medicines and medical equipment were bought for operations of the ICRC worldwide.


This project has been twofold with a focus on mother, neonatal and child health. First of all, the NLRC contributed to basic health care programmes run by the ICRC for civilian populations living in conflict areas. Pregnant women for instance received antenatal care and vaccinations. Secondly, medicines and medical equipment have been distributed worldwide, such as diapers, baby kits, vacuum extractors and tubes.


The focus of the project has been on pregnant women and infants.

Type ramp: Armed conflict Material relief assistance and services Response
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross
Uitvoerende partners: International Committee of the Red Cross

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