The main purpose of the project is to increase access to safe water, sanitation and improved hygiene practices leading to improved health status of the Terekeka community. An estimated 5,712,000 South Sudanese women, men and children will not have access to adequate water; sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in 2019. In addition, some 300,000 refugees lack sufficient WASH conditions. The number of people requiring emergency WASH services in 2019 increased by 7 per cent from the previous year, explained by the expansion of WASH data with a higher reliability and more detailed analysis1.
WASH needs are the highest in Canal, Fangak and Pibor in Jonglei, Awerial in Lakes, Panyijar in Unity, and Ikwotos in Eastern Equatoria. While Awerial and Fangak remained two counties with the highest WASH needs, they represent a shift from last year that saw Fashoda of Upper Nile, Ayod of Jonglei, Rubkona of Unity and Juba of Central Equatoria.
The lack of sufficient WASH infrastructure and availability has an effect on the overall health of the population. Outbreaks of diarrhea, cholera and other waterborne diseases are of high concern.
Moreover, women and girls in areas with limited WASH infrastructure face increased risk of harassment, assault and sexual violence when collecting water from remote water sources and using inappropriate communal latrines, and access to menstrual hygiene products. Appropriate and dignified washing locations remain their key need. IDPs in Protection of Civilians (PoC) sites do not have sufficient hygiene and sanitation and are at risk of disease outbreaks in the congested conditions. WASH needs are also high among IDPs in non-camp settings and among their already stretched host communities.
Terekeka, South Sudan
This project thus seeks to take an integrated approach; by improving the wash infrastructure and by sensitizing the SSRC volunteers and community on hygiene promotion it aims to improve the health of the population as well as improving the protection of women and girls. This project is complementary to the NLRC/SSRC SGBV project in Terekeka.
The project intends to increased access to safe water to 3,000 people through construction of one water yard with four (4) tap stands to serve 2,000 people settled at the populated Koggi centre while the neighboring villages shall river two boreholes to serve 1,000 people based on the SPHERE Standards.