The project aims to strengthen the capacity of Palestine Red Cresent Society to respond to immediate, medium and long term effects of the conlict. Since early 2014 tension has gradually been building up in the Gaza Strip, and since june 2014 the armed conflict has intensified. The fighting has gradually been worsening and is today exceeding by far the humanitarian tradgedies of other wars in Palestine. The toll is paid by the civilias, as in June 2014 64% of the casualties in Gaza were citizens, and as a result of Gaza being a no go area, barely anyone can escape the imminent threat of war. The project is implemented in the Gaza strip in Palestine.
The course of action is to reduce the immediate and medium term health risks of affected population, this will be done through purchasing medical and lab equipments. Additionally the effected communities coping mechanism is enhanced through the distribution of non-food items. Finally through upgrading IT systems of the PRCS, the capacity of the disaster management will be strengthened.
Over 200.000 people will benefit from the support in terms of health care, relief, rehabilitation and psychosocial support. The implementing partner of the project is the Palestine Red Crescent Soceity with financial support from the Netherlands Red Cross.