A 5.9-magnitude- earthquake occurred on 6 October 2018 at 20:12
Atlantic Standard Time (AST) at a depth of 15.3 kilometres deep.
According to the Haitian government’s Technical Unit of Seismology,
its epicentre was located at sea in the Turtle Canal, about twenty
kilometres west-northwest of Port-de-Paix in the North-West
Department. Many aftershocks were felt between Saturday, 6
October 2018 and Monday, 8 October 2018. The DPC reported 17
deaths: 9 in Port-de-Paix, 1 in Saint-Louis North (North-West) and 7
in Gros Morne (Artibonite). Additionally, at least 421 people were
injured, and many of them were taken to hospitals in the North-West,
Artibonite and North departments for treatment. According to the
government’s initial emergency assessments, 31,132 persons need
humanitarian assistance due to the partial or total destruction of their
houses. According to the
government’s initial emergency assessments, 31,132 persons need
humanitarian assistance due to the partial or total destruction of their
houses. in Port-de-Paix, Saint-Louis North (North-West) and
Gros Morne (Artibonite)
Shelter: Emergency shelter for the affected population. The population who suffered the damage or destruction
of their home requires emergency shelter support, with a strong emphasis on build back better. The affected
population’s needs range from emergency shelter (tarpaulins and shelter kits) to support on the reconstruction
or relocation of its home.
2. Health: first aid, emergency medical assistance and psychosocial support (PSS). The needs in the health sector
range from first aid for the affected population injured by the destruction of its house to PSS.
3. Relief assistance: kitchen and hygiene kits. The affected population that lost its household items requires kitchen
sets. Additionally, due to the hygiene situation in the country, with risks of cholera outbreaks and other
waterborne diseases, the affected population needs hygiene promotion and hygiene kits.
Number of people to be assisted: 300 families (1,500