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Improving health, water and sanitation conditions for conflict affected populations in Darfur

Land: Sudan
Vooruitgang: Closed
Budget: € 860000
Looptijd: 2016-02-27 - 2018-10-30


The purpose of this project is to ensure that vulnerable communities in Darfur, both local people and people who are displaced in their own country, have access to health, water and sanitation facilities.

As it is an emergency project there will be no baseline. As a result of population movement, many different groups of people live in Darfur, including internally displaced persons, returnees and refugees from neighbouring countries. There is a lack of access to primary healthcare and adequate water and sanitation facilities, which makes these communities even more vulnerable. By the end of 2014, there were about 3.7 million vulnerable people living in the greater Darfur region, of which approximately 2.5 million people are displaced within their own country. The project is implemented in West (Sirba and Habila localities) and Central (Mukjar locality) Darfur states


With regard to health services, the priorities are to support the operations of primary health centres in areas where there are many internally displaced persons. The other main priorities of the project are to maintain water, sanitation and hygiene services in camps for internally displaced persons, but also in areas where local people live, to prevent disease outbreaks.


We work with vulnerable communities in Darfur, including internally displaced persons, people returning to Darfur after having fled the conflict previously, and people who are local to the area.

Type ramp: Armed conflict Drought Material relief assistance and services Response
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken (BuZa)
Uitvoerende partners: The Sudanese Red Crescent Society

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