Reduced morbidity and mortality rates in refugee and host communities due illnesses that are preventable through community led health promotion and disease prevention activities in Rhino camp, Northern Uganda by February 2018.
Funding sources EUR250.000 from SHO Campaign 2017 “Drought in Africa”, EUR165.000 from Medical Campaign September 2016 Uganda is currently hosting more than 805,704 South Sudanese Refugees. The three main settlements hosting refugees in this operation as of February 2017 are: Bidibidi settlement holds a total of 272,206 people, Rhino camp hosts 86,770 and Palorinya settlement stands at approximately 91,000 people far above its capacity of 65,000. The majority of SSD refugees continue to arrive into Uganda through informal border points (IFRC and URCS, Rapid WASH needs assessment, February 2017).
The leading causes of illness across the settlements are Malaria, Respiratory Tract Infection and Acute Watery Diarrhea: Malaria accounted for 16% of all outpatient consultation in Bidibidi, 22% in Adjumani and 16% in Palorinya; respiratory tract infections accounted for 32% of all outpatient consultations in Bidibidi, 25% in Adjumani and 18% in Palorinya, and Acute Watery Diarrhea, which accounted for 8% in Bidibidi, 2% in Adjumani and 18% in Palorinya. These illnesses are communicable but also preventable and do not need to be causes for ill health and burden on health services .
The generally low access to Health Care Service infrastructure in South Sudan means low immunization coverage amongst the refugee population, hence very likely that the number of un immunized under 5 children crossing the border is high. The risk of outbreak of vaccine preventable diseases measles is very high given the crowded living condition and the expected low herd immunity among refugees. Potential measles outbreak among children under five years of age increases the risk of exposure to other health problems such as vitamin A deficiency, diarrhea, general malnutrition and other childhood illnesses. Rhino Camp, Uganda.
Community health through CBFHA approach
Rhino Camp hosts about 86,770 refugees. Considering the short period for the project implementation the project with reach about 17,500 (20% of the refugee population in Rhino camp) refugee and host communities through an integrated project activities including crucial health promotion, disease prevention and hygiene promotion interventions using the CBHFA approach. The project will also identify and train 100 volunteers from the targeted community and integrate the in the community and health service structure.