The objective of the operation is to reduce the impact of the floods and promote the wellbeing of 1,950 flood affected HH (10,750 beneficiaries) through the provision of shelter, WASH, food security, and NFI assistance support. The Southern and Central Regions of Malawi are experiencing normal to above normal rainfall while the Northern Region is receiving above normal rainfall. One of the districts in the North (Karonga) has been experiencing fairly normal to
above normal rainfall amounts since mid-March 2017. Since then, rains have been increasing, which has resulted in extensive flooding and an increased number of displaced populations. MRCS has been closely monitoring the situation and by the 19th of April the situation has deteriorated. This project is located in Karonga.
This project reduces the impact of flooding on affected populations through providing shelter, water, sanitation, and hygiene support, distributing non food items, and increasing food security.
This project reaches 10,750 people (1,950 households).