The purpose of this project is to provide food, nutrition and carry out prevention activities for 2,020 households (13,130 people) to enable the affected population to survive and meet its immediate needs. Over the last decade, food crisis in Niger have become increasingly intense and widespread. This can mainly be explained by the impact of climate change on rainfall: the late start of the rainy season, more frequent dry days, greater flood frequencies. The consequences on cereal production and pastoral activity are direct, and thus on the food security of populations: Sixty percent of Niger families can only cover three to five months of their annual food needs. Today, people struggle to recover from a crisis as another occurs. Millions of people are becoming prisoners of an endless cycle: during each crisis, they lose their crops and livestock or brave them to survive. They are becoming increasingly vulnerable. This project takes place in Niger’s Dosso region.
This project sees to the needs of affected populations through providing food assistance, implementing nutritional and community health mechanisms, and carrying out water, sanitation, and hygiene-related services.
This project will reach 13,130 people (2,020 households).