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Philippines typhoon Haiyan 2013: helping affected communities to rebuild their livelihoods

Vooruitgang: Closed
Budget: € 4145370
Looptijd: 2014-03-31 - 2016-12-30


Typhoon Haiyan (locally known as Yolanda) made its landfall on November 8th, hitting the entire area of Visayas in Philippines. The typhoon triggered big waves and gale force winds that resulted in thousands of houses damaged or totally destroyed. Due to the wind effect of the typhoon, more than 40,000 houses have been completely damaged. This assistence programme is a cooperation with American Red Cross Society.

Type ramp: Earthquake Reconstruction relief and rehabilitation Storm
Donateur: Samenwerkende Hulp Organisaties, Samenwerkende Fondsen, Belgian Red Cross- French, The Canadian Red Cross Society, The Netherlands Red Cross, American Red Cross
Uitvoerende partners: The Netherlands Red Cross

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