On 3rd March 2018, at around 16:00 local time, Rubavu District, located in the Western Province of Rwanda, experienced heavy rains, which resulted in flooding along Sebeya River and other areas where people live on steep hills were affected by landslides due to heavy rains. The affected areas are in four sectors of Rubavu, namely Nyundo, Nyakiliba, Rugerero and Kanama. In fact, the flooding resulted more from increased rainfall upstream than in the affected areas. There were no predictable signs of flooding downstream.
The main aim of the DREF is to ensure flood-affected population’s immediate needs are met through the provision of essential emergency relief, shelter items, hygiene promotion assistance, targeting a total number of 4,750 people (950 households) whose items/properties were destroyed. Due to flooding, and according to the data gathered during joint rapid and detailed assessments conducted by RRCS, volunteers and local authorities, around 5,000 households (25,000 people) from 7 cells of the four sectors were affected by the floods, of which 4,750 people from 950 households were directly affected. These 950 Homeless families are being accommodated in the nearby communities after their homes were either destroyed or damaged by flowing waters and mud debris. Immediately, the flash floods caused 5 severe injuries, 141.5 hectares of crops flooded (including plantations of beans, potatoes, maize and tea), 643 livestock washed away, 10 bridges destroyed, 1 school affected, and students’ school materials washed away. At onset, 28 houses were destroyed. Nyundo, Kanama, Rugerero, Nyakirirba
The NS will support the flood affected through the provision of essential emergency relief, shelter items, hygiene promotion assistance. Support also includes food, WASH and non-food items.
Based on the rapid and detailed joint assessment results, the directly affected population by the disaster is 950 households (approx. 4,750 people) out of an overall 5,000 households affected households. The teams composed of the volunteers and the local authorities visited the affected communities and assessed the real situation of the houses and household items. In some houses, flooding water has entered houses at lesser extent while for others, much water and debris have caused bigger losses and even destroyed houses. It is against these criteria that the assessment and beneficiary classification was made. In addition to these criteria, targeting will prioritize families with elderly persons, female headed households, chronically ill people and large families amongst others.