The objective of this project is to provide emergency assistance to the Syrian civillians who have sought refuge in Lebanon as a result of the armed conflict in Syria. Due to the Syrian Crisis alot of refugees have been forced to find shelters in neigboring countries. By May 2014 there were over 1 million Syrian refugees registered, but besides them, hundreds of thousands of Syrians who fled the violence are not registered and therefore face great difficulty in accessing assistance. The Lebanese community has hosted the influx of refugees, but the enourmous amount and nature of the crisis has started to create tensions. It is becoming more and more difficult for the Lebanese communities to bear the burden of hosting refugees. Since no official refugee camps are established in Lebanon, Syrian refugees havve been scattered across more than 1.500 muncipalities. Most of these refugees are living in Northern Lebanon.
This project is an extension of an already existing project aimed at the refugees in Lebanon. The project supports the Syrian Refugees in a number of ways. We contribute to the emerency medical service stations, provide health care and distribute food and non-food relief items. Additionally the Disaster Management Unit of the Lebanese Red Cross Society is trained to build capacity and boost exsisting relief activities.
The project has 10.000 direct beneficiaries and is aimed at specifically supporting the refugees and vulnerable members of the host community. The project is implemented by the Lebanese Red Cross Soceity and is working with the financial support of the Netherlands Red Cross.