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Well prepared Red Cross/Red Crescent societies for disaster response: South Sudan

Land: South Sudan
Vooruitgang: Closed
Budget: € 1081122
Looptijd: 2012-07-31 - 2016-07-30


The response preparedness programme in South Sudan seeks to reduce the impact of disaster by strengthening the capacities of Red Cross South Sudan through: ensuring a well-functioning national and local response mechanism is in place, relief stocks are strategically positioned and logistically supported, developing human disaster management capacity, and ensuring Red Cross South Sudan has sound operational disaster management plans. South Sudan gained independence in 2011 and has been host to internal conflict and disasters fueled by climate change, and its Red Cross/Red Crescent national society lacks the capacity to adequately response to these emergencies. The programme in South Sudan is implemented throughout the country.


Reponse preparadness support will be given through training of both Red Cross national and branch disaster management staff, equipment procurement, such as communications hardware and water and sanitation equipment, expanding warehouse storage capacity and transportation vehicles, and development of contingency plans.


This programme seeks to provide support to Red Cross staff to help those affected by disaster.

Type ramp: Armed conflict Civil unrest and other situations of violence Drought Epidemic Flood Multisector aid for basic social services Preparedness
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross, British Red Cross
Uitvoerende partners: South Sudan Red Cross

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