This appeal is to support ICRS and Yemeni Red Crescent Society in assistence to civil population in Yemen. The situation in Jemen has been instabel since 2011, but in 2014 and 2015 circumstances worstened due to militar violence. There is no political solution to problem yet en ICRC warned for the humanitarian implications of the civil war. UN estimates that approximately 80% of population (around 25 million people) have no acces to clean drinking water, hygiene or medical facilities. Another 12 million people risk famine. An estimated 4,000 people died because of the conflict.
The ICRC has offices in Sana’a, Sa’ada, Aden and rnatTaiz.
The ICRC works together with HRCS to upscale assistence for vulnerable people. Focus is on shelter, medical services, safe drinking water and family-link service. Because of famine, civilian population is vulnerable. Supply of food is scarce and local prices rise. The funds in the projects are especially directed towards the provision of food.
Except for MSF and the UN no other humanitarian organisation is active in Yemen. HRCS has an available network of 600 active volunteers. The ICRC has 250 local employees deployed, with an additional 45 international staff.