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Democratic Republic of Congo – Emergency Response in Kwilu, Central Kongo and Kwango provinces

Vooruitgang: Implementation
Budget: € 380000
Looptijd: 2018-06-30 - 2020-06-29


This project supports the populations of targeted provinces to anticipate, cope and reduce the impact of the disasters they suffer, especially Population movements, natural disasters, epidemics, assess to water, sanitation and health services.
Specific objective: Contribute to the fight and response to disasters and epidemics in the provinces of Kongo Central, Kwango and Kwilu. In Kwilu Province, Bulungu/Kikwit, Idiofa and Gungu territories
Central Kongo Province, Songolo Health Zone, Viaza Health Area
Kwango Province, Kenge Health Zone, Barrier Health Area


This specific objective is articulated around 3 axes of intervention. The first axis aims to meet the curative health needs of populations. Indeed, as explained above, the resources of the health centres from areas concerned by population movements have been strongly solicited for more than one year. Today, these resources, particularly in medicine, are reaching their limit and these health centres fall short in providing basic services not only to local populations but also to arriving populations. In the provinces of Kongo Central and Kwango, health facilities are very precarious too, especially in terms of access to water and sanitation.
The second axis will be to respond to the needs of those affected and displaced in Kwango and/or Kwilu province (depending on how the situation evolves, the response may be redirected to another neighbouring province). This axis will also make it possible to reinforce DRCRC’s capacities, particularly in cash transfer.
Finally, the third axis will focus on the prevention of epidemics, and in particular water-borne epidemics, in Kongo Central and Kwango.


The most vulnerable communities and displaced people in the target regions.

Type ramp: Civil unrest and other situations of violence Epidemic Material relief assistance and services Response
Donateur: The Netherlands Red Cross
Uitvoerende partners: Belgian Red Cross- French

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